The Communication Techniques sessions will focus on your needs and help you develop your communication techniques and skills through a combination of coaching and training. Communication is essential to everything we do in the workplace, and the success we have with others. Often our own blindspots are ignored by ourselves. These sessions aim to help identify those blindspots and improve upon both communication strengths and weaknesses. Although on the surface some of these topics can seem obvious and self-explanatory, they are in reality extremely complex and critical to master in order to be an effective communicator. These sessions will help you to master these essential skills.
Course Content Includes:
- The role of assertiveness in communication
- Body language and communication
- Emotional intelligence in communication
- The importance of listening, empathy and persepective
- Being clear....say what you mean!
- How to handle miscommunication
- Public speaking and presentation techniques

6 X 1hr sessions recommended as a minimum (this can be adjusted)
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